Course – Learning Methods

Learning Methods

This course explores methods of classroom, online, autonomous and collaborative learning.

up to 16 units across 4 topics

35+ hours of self-guided “microlearning”

250+ intermediate to advanced activities

develops advanced English, academic knowledge, study skills, critical thinking and autonomous learning

This modern, interactive course has hundreds of e-learning activities that offer both instruction and practice in methods of learning.

We discuss the difference between lectures, seminars and tutorials and how to benefit most from these environments, comparing face-to-face classroom interactions with online study. By following these course materials, students can also improve their knowledge of digital learning strategies, exploring the best methods for autonomous study, keeping study schedules, responding to tutor feedback, and working in study groups.

Using our unique microlearning approach, students are now able to complete the topics and activities that best ensure learning success in university-level, academic-English contexts.

Explore units about:

On-Campus Study

Online Learning

Self-Guided Study

Peer Collaboration

Complete this course to:

+ learn how to participate effectively in various online and face-to-face learning environments

+ become familiar with strategies for autonomous, self-guided study

+ develop skills in digital learning, educational technology and methods of e-communication

+ be better able to succeed in collaborative tasks and assignments

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