Referencing Styles

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If you're looking for Academic Readers about any of the six types of referencing style pictured below, then you're in the right place. Simply select a subtopic and let our professional materials and printable activities help guide your studies. Our downloadable chapters and worksheets for intermediate to advanced English learners are carefully designed to improve English proficiency and academic confidence.

APA Style
Like Harvard, APA uses an author-date format and is common in the social sciences.
Chicago Style
A style which uses either footnotes and a bibliography or the author-date format.
Harvard Style
One of the most common and widely used referencing styles available to students.

MHRA Style
The Modern Humanities Research Association is popularly used in the arts.

MLA Style
If you’re a linguist, you’ll be referencing in the Modern Language Association style.

Oxford OSCOLA Style
This is an Oxford style that is used to reference legal documents primarily in the UK,.
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