How can I improve my language for IELTS?

This is the fifth and final chapter about Advanced IELTS. To complete this reader, read each chapter carefully and then unlock and complete our materials to check your understanding.
– Focus on vocabulary in key areas like academic/general/technical vocabulary, synonyms/antonyms, idioms/phrasal verbs, prefixes/suffixes, and collocations.
– Top 50 nouns, verbs, adjectives, and linking words are provided to help you succeed in IELTS.
– Key grammar areas to focus on include verb tenses, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, modals, conditional sentences, relative clauses, and prepositions.
Chapter 5
Which vocabulary is key to succeed in IELTS?
To succeed in IELTS, it is important to have a strong vocabulary that covers a wide range of topics. Here are some key areas of vocabulary to focus on:
- Academic vocabulary: This includes words and phrases commonly used in academic settings, such as “hypothesis,” “methodology,” “thesis,” “analysis,” and “conclusion.”
- General vocabulary: This includes words and phrases that are commonly used in everyday language, such as “accommodation,” “economy,” “environment,” “transport,” and “technology.”
- Synonyms and antonyms: Knowing synonyms (words that have the same or similar meaning) and antonyms (words that have the opposite meaning) can help you understand and answer questions in the IELTS exam.
- Idioms and phrasal verbs: These are commonly used expressions that may be difficult to understand if you are not familiar with them. Some examples include “break a leg,” “turn a blind eye,” “back up,” and “give up.”
- Prefixes and suffixes: Understanding the meaning of prefixes (such as “un-” or “re-“) and suffixes (such as “-ful” or “-less”) can help you understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Technical vocabulary: Depending on your field of study or profession, you may need to learn technical vocabulary related to your area of expertise.
- Collocations: These are words that commonly appear together, such as “make a decision,” “take a break,” or “have a conversation.” Learning collocations can help you understand the meaning of phrases and sentences.
By focusing on these areas of vocabulary, you can improve your chances of success in the IELTS exam.
What are the top 50 nouns for succeeding at IELTS?
Nouns are important for naming people, places, things, and ideas in the IELTS exam. Here are the top 50 nouns that are commonly used and may be helpful to know:
- Ability
- Achievement
- Analysis
- Application
- Argument
- Assessment
- Attention
- Behavior
- Challenge
- Change
- Communication
- Comparison
- Conclusion
- Condition
- Construction
- Contrast
- Contribution
- Conversation
- Creativity
- Criticism
- Culture
- Decision
- Definition
- Demonstration
- Description
- Design
- Development
- Difference
- Discovery
- Discussion
- Effect
- Emotion
- Environment
- Error
- Evidence
- Example
- Explanation
- Fact
- Feedback
- Focus
- Function
- Goal
- Idea
- Improvement
- Influence
- Information
- Innovation
- Interpretation
- Investigation
- Knowledge
By using these nouns appropriately in your speaking and writing, you can communicate your ideas more effectively and increase your chances of success in the IELTS exam.
What are the top 50 verbs for succeeding at IELTS?
Verbs are important for communicating actions and events effectively in the IELTS exam. Here are the top 50 verbs that are commonly used and may be helpful to know:
- Achieve
- Adapt
- Analyze
- Apply
- Assess
- Communicate
- Compare
- Compose
- Conclude
- Consider
- Construct
- Contrast
- Contribute
- Convince
- Create
- Critique
- Define
- Demonstrate
- Describe
- Design
- Develop
- Differentiate
- Discover
- Discuss
- Display
- Distinguish
- Evaluate
- Examine
- Explain
- Explore
- Express
- Formulate
- Identify
- Illustrate
- Improve
- Infer
- Influence
- Inform
- Interpret
- Investigate
- Make
- Modify
- Outline
- Plan
- Predict
- Present
- Prioritize
- Propose
- Recommend
- Synthesize
By using these verbs appropriately in your speaking and writing, you can communicate your ideas more effectively and increase your chances of success in the IELTS exam.
What are the top 50 adjectives for succeeding at IELTS?
Adjectives can help you to describe people, places, and things more effectively in the IELTS exam. Here are the top 50 adjectives that are commonly used and may be helpful to know:
- Accurate
- Ambitious
- Analytical
- Articulate
- Assertive
- Attentive
- Authentic
- Capable
- Clear
- Cogent
- Composed
- Confident
- Consistent
- Creative
- Critical
- Diligent
- Discerning
- Disciplined
- Eloquent
- Empathetic
- Engaging
- Enthusiastic
- Exact
- Flexible
- Focused
- Genuine
- Informed
- Insightful
- Inspired
- Intellectual
- Intense
- Logical
- Meticulous
- Motivated
- Objective
- Observant
- Open-minded
- Passionate
- Perceptive
- Persuasive
- Precise
- Professional
- Progressive
- Resourceful
- Self-assured
- Sharp
- Strategic
- Strong
- Thoughtful
- Visionary
By using these adjectives appropriately in your speaking and writing, you can add depth and clarity to your communication and increase your chances of success in the IELTS exam.
What are the top 50 linking words for succeeding at IELTS?
Linking words can help you to connect ideas and improve the flow of your writing and speaking in the IELTS exam. Here are the top 50 linking words that are commonly used and may be helpful to know:
- Additionally
- Moreover
- Furthermore
- In addition
- Besides
- Likewise
- Similarly
- Likewise
- In the same way
- Therefore
- Thus
- Consequently
- As a result
- Hence
- For this reason
- In conclusion
- To sum up
- Ultimately
- All in all
- On the whole
- Nevertheless
- Nonetheless
- However
- On the other hand
- In contrast
- Whereas
- Alternatively
- Despite
- In spite of
- Although
- Though
- Even though
- While
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- Next
- First
- Secondly
- Lastly
- In the first place
- To begin with
- In the second place
- Finally
- Above all
- Essentially
- Basically
- As a matter of fact
- Indeed
- As an example
- For instance

Which grammar is key to success in IELTS?
Having a strong grasp of English grammar is important for success in the IELTS exam, as it is assessed in both the writing and speaking sections. Here are some key areas of grammar to focus on:
- Verb tenses: Being able to use verb tenses correctly is essential for expressing time and the relationship between different events in a sentence. Practice using different tenses, such as the present simple, present continuous, past simple, and future.
- Sentence structure: Understanding sentence structure is important for creating well-formed sentences that are easy to understand. Practice using different sentence structures, such as simple, compound, and complex sentences.
- Subject-verb agreement: Ensuring that the subject and verb agree in number is important for clear communication. Practice using subject-verb agreement in sentences.
- Modals: Modals are important for expressing certainty, probability, and possibility. Practice using modals such as can, could, may, might, will, and would in sentences.
- Conditional sentences: Conditional sentences express a hypothetical situation and its consequences. Practice using different types of conditional sentences, such as zero, first, second, and third conditionals.
- Relative clauses: Understanding how to use relative clauses is important for creating complex sentences. Practice using relative pronouns such as who, whom, whose, that, and which in sentences.
- Prepositions: Prepositions are important for expressing time, location, and other relationships between words in a sentence. Practice using different prepositions correctly in sentences.
By focusing on these key areas of grammar and practicing them regularly, you can improve your language proficiency and increase your chances of success in the IELTS exam.
To reference this reader:
Academic Marker (2023) Advanced IELTS . Available at: (Accessed: Date Month Year).
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