How can I succeed in the TOEFL speaking test?

This is the second of five chapters about Advanced TOEFL. To complete this reader, read each chapter carefully and then unlock and complete our materials to check your understanding.   

– Prepare for the TOEFL speaking test by familiarizing yourself with the format, working on pronunciation, and using examples to support answers.

– Understand the TOEFL speaking rubric and its features, including delivery, language use, and topic development.

– Avoid common pitfalls such as not answering the prompt, not using examples, and not managing time effectively.

Chapter 2

Here are some tips to help you succeed in the TOEFL speaking test:


  1. Familiarize yourself with the format of the exam: The TOEFL speaking test consists of six tasks, so it is important to be familiar with the format of the exam before you take it. Practice with sample questions and familiarize yourself with the types of prompts that will be given.
  2. Work on your pronunciation: Clear pronunciation is important in the TOEFL speaking test. Practice speaking English as much as possible to improve your pronunciation and fluency.
  3. Focus on answering the question: Make sure to answer the prompt that is given and avoid going off-topic. Organize your thoughts before you start speaking, and make sure to stick to the topic.
  4. Use examples to support your answers: Using examples to support your answers can help you demonstrate your understanding of the topic and can make your answers more convincing.
  5. Practice speaking at a natural pace: Speaking too quickly or too slowly can be detrimental to your performance in the TOEFL speaking test. Practice speaking at a natural pace to improve your fluency.
  6. Use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures: Using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures can help you demonstrate your language proficiency and can make your answers more interesting.
  7. Record and review your practice sessions: Record your practice sessions and review them to identify areas where you need to improve. This can help you identify patterns in your mistakes and work on them more effectively.


Remember, the key to success in the TOEFL speaking test is practice and preparation. By familiarizing yourself with the format of the exam, working on your pronunciation, focusing on answering the question, using examples to support your answers, speaking at a natural pace, using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures, and recording and reviewing your practice sessions, you can improve your chances of success in this section of the exam.


What are the features of the TOEFL speaking rubric?

The TOEFL speaking section is scored using a rubric that evaluates the test-taker’s ability to speak and communicate effectively in English. Here are the features of the TOEFL speaking rubric:

  1. Delivery: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to deliver responses that are clear, fluent, and natural-sounding.
  2. Language use: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to use a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures accurately and appropriately.
  3. Topic development: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to develop a coherent and relevant response to the prompt.
  4. Purpose and coherence: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to stay on topic and communicate ideas clearly and coherently.
  5. Pronunciation: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to pronounce words and sounds clearly and accurately.
  6. Intonation and stress: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to use appropriate intonation and stress to convey meaning.
  7. Use of examples: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to use relevant and appropriate examples to support their ideas.


Each task in the TOEFL speaking section is scored separately on a scale of 0-4, and the scores are combined to give a total score out of 30. The rubric is used by trained evaluators to score the test-taker’s responses based on the features listed above. By understanding the features of the TOEFL speaking rubric, you can better prepare for the exam and improve your chances of success.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid?

Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when taking the TOEFL speaking section:


  1. Not answering the prompt: Make sure to answer the prompt that is given and avoid going off-topic. Read and listen to the prompt carefully, and organize your thoughts before you start speaking.
  2. Not using examples: Using relevant and appropriate examples can help you demonstrate your understanding of the topic and can make your answers more convincing. Make sure to use examples to support your ideas.
  3. Not managing your time effectively: The TOEFL speaking section is timed, so it is important to manage your time effectively during the exam. Make sure to pace yourself and avoid spending too much time on any one task.
  4. Not practicing pronunciation: Clear pronunciation is important in the TOEFL speaking section. Practice speaking English as much as possible to improve your pronunciation and fluency.
  5. Not using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures: Using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures can help you demonstrate your language proficiency and can make your answers more interesting. Practice using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures.
  6. Not speaking at a natural pace: Speaking too quickly or too slowly can be detrimental to your performance in the TOEFL speaking section. Practice speaking at a natural pace to improve your fluency.
  7. Not recording and reviewing practice sessions: Recording your practice sessions and reviewing them can help you identify areas where you need to improve. This can help you identify patterns in your mistakes and work on them more effectively.


By avoiding these common pitfalls and staying focused on your preparation and performance during the exam, you can increase your chances of success in the TOEFL speaking section.

To reference this reader:

Academic Marker (2023) Advanced TOEFL. Available at: (Accessed: Date Month Year).

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