Which tips lead to TOEFL listening success?

This is the first of five chapters about Advanced TOEFL. To complete this reader, read each chapter carefully and then unlock and complete our materials to check your understanding.   

– TOEFL listening success: accent familiarity, active listening, focus on main ideas, anticipate what’s next, use visual aids, practice, and time management.

– TOEFL listening rubric: evaluates main ideas, speaker’s purpose and attitude, organization, connections between ideas, listening skills, context use, and response delivery.

– Common TOEFL listening pitfalls: ignoring main ideas, not attending to tone and attitude, not understanding structure, missing context clues, not practicing active listening, not using visual aids, and poor time management.

Chapter 1

Here are some tips to help you succeed in the TOEFL listening section:


  1. Familiarize yourself with different accents: The TOEFL listening section includes recordings of speakers with a variety of accents, so it is important to be familiar with different accents in order to understand what is being said. Practice listening to speakers with different accents, such as British, Australian, and American, to help you prepare for the exam.
  2. Practice active listening: Active listening means paying attention to what is being said and actively engaging with the material. Practice taking notes and summarizing what you hear to improve your active listening skills.
  3. Focus on understanding the main idea: While listening to the recordings, focus on understanding the main idea rather than every detail. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed by the amount of information being presented.
  4. Anticipate what is coming next: Pay attention to the context and try to anticipate what is coming next. This can help you stay engaged with the material and avoid missing important information.
  5. Use visual aids: The TOEFL listening section includes visual aids, such as graphs and charts, to help you understand the material. Make sure to look at the visual aids and use them to help you understand what is being said.
  6. Practice with sample tests: Practicing with sample tests can help you become familiar with the types of questions that will be asked and can help you identify areas where you need to improve.
  7. Manage your time effectively: The TOEFL listening section is timed, so it is important to practice managing your time effectively during the exam. Make sure to pace yourself and avoid spending too much time on any one question.


Remember, the key to success in the TOEFL listening section is practice and preparation. By familiarizing yourself with different accents, practicing active listening, focusing on the main idea, anticipating what is coming next, using visual aids, practicing with sample tests, and managing your time effectively, you can improve your chances of success in this section of the exam. 

What are the features of the TOEFL listening rubric?

The TOEFL listening section is scored using a rubric that evaluates test-takers’ ability to comprehend spoken English. Here are the features of the TOEFL listening rubric:


  1. Understanding of main ideas: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to identify the main ideas and important details presented in the recording.

2. Understanding of speaker’s purpose and attitude: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to infer the speaker’s purpose, attitude, and tone.

3. Understanding of organization: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to understand the structure and organization of the recording.

4. Understanding of connections between ideas: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to identify connections between ideas presented in the recording.

5. Listening skills: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to demonstrate effective listening skills, such as active listening and note-taking.

6. Use of context: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to use context to understand unfamiliar vocabulary and expressions.

7. Delivery of responses: The rubric evaluates the test-taker’s ability to deliver responses that are clear, coherent, and grammatically correct.


Each item in the TOEFL listening section is scored separately on a scale of 0-30, and the scores are combined to give a total score out of 120. The rubric is used by trained evaluators to score the test-taker’s responses based on the features listed above. By understanding the features of the TOEFL listening rubric, you can better prepare for the exam and improve your chances of success.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid?

Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when taking the TOEFL listening section:


  1. Not focusing on the main ideas: It is important to focus on the main ideas and important details presented in the recording. Don’t get bogged down in trying to understand every word or detail.
  2. Not paying attention to the speaker’s tone and attitude: The TOEFL listening section often presents speakers with different tones and attitudes, so it is important to pay attention to these cues in order to understand the material.
  3. Not understanding the structure and organization of the recording: Understanding the structure and organization of the recording can help you anticipate what is coming next and stay engaged with the material.
  4. Not using context clues to understand unfamiliar vocabulary: The TOEFL listening section may include unfamiliar vocabulary, but using context clues can help you understand the meaning of these words.
  5. Not practicing active listening: Active listening means paying attention to what is being said and engaging with the material. Practice taking notes and summarizing what you hear to improve your active listening skills.
  6. Not using the visual aids: The TOEFL listening section often includes visual aids, such as graphs and charts, to help you understand the material. Make sure to look at these aids and use them to help you understand what is being said.
  7. Not managing your time effectively: The TOEFL listening section is timed, so it is important to manage your time effectively during the exam. Make sure to pace yourself and avoid spending too much time on any one question.


By avoiding these common pitfalls and staying focused on your preparation and performance during the exam, you can increase your chances of success in the TOEFL listening section.

To reference this reader:

Academic Marker (2023) Advanced TOEFL. Available at: https://academicmarker.com/TOEFL-tests/advanced-TOEFL/ (Accessed: Date Month Year).

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