Which symbols and abbreviations are best?
To help you improve the speed at which you take notes, we’ve included some of the most helpful and common academic symbols and abbreviations below. Practice using these in your own writing to speed up your notetaking skills:
↔ (between)
→ (lead to) ← (caused by)
↑ (increase) ↑↑ (rapid increase) ↓ (decrease)
= (equals) ≈ (approximately) ≠ (does not equal)
> (greater than) < (less than)
$ (currency; dollars) £ (pounds) # (number)
✓ (yes) ✓✓ (definitely)
∴ (therefore) ∵ (because)
w/ (with) w/o (without) c/o (care of)
etc. (etcetera; and so on) e.g. (for example) i.e. (that is)
est. (established) govt. (government) info (information)
approx. (approximately) diff. (difference) max. (maximum)
ASAP (as soon as possible) ETA (estimated time of arrival)
Great work on completing this short reader on notetaking. Now that we’ve discussed what notetaking is, the five methods of notetaking, and how to use symbols and abbreviations to quicken your shorthand, you might now wish to complete our chapter worksheets to check your understanding. Then perhaps consider completing another reader on the topic of study skills.